
Mary Ortiz 25-08-2023
Mary Ortiz

复活节过后,为数不多的东西(除了绿色塑料草的东西)是软糖。 复活节篮子里装满了巧克力兔子和可爱的软糖,软糖可能会被丢在底部。 一旦所有其他的好东西都走了,你准备把最后的糖从房子里一下子拿出来,考虑这些食谱。 我已经收集了20个不同的食谱,果冻豆迷们一定会想去尝试的

我喜欢五颜六色的果冻豆,无论你把它们加到什么里面,它们都会用鲜艳的色彩使之生动起来。 这就像给你做的任何东西添加快乐一样。 这些食谱也不例外!五颜六色的豆子在所有这些饼干、小蛋糕、克里丝饼和其他小吃中都是焦点。 我也对我发现的一些甜食感到惊讶,比如这个早餐糕点,是与Pop Tarts类似,它们都含有糖豆!只要咬一口这些糖果,你就会看到一道绚丽的彩虹在向你闪耀。

See_also: 如何画汽车的15种简单方法

节俭的妈妈 Eh - 巧克力兔子和果冻豆饼干

狡猾的人 -- 柠檬果冻豆和白巧克力片饼干

沙盘外的思考 - 春天的纸杯蛋糕

一个南瓜和一个公主 - 斑纹糖豆树皮

国内的反叛者 -- 无需烘烤的鸟类下一步饼干

一位母亲的看法 -- 果冻豆 Krispie Treats

我生来就会做饭 皮普斯糖果棒

超时的妈妈 - 彩虹糖饼干树皮

瓦妮莎烤肉 - 果冻豆蛋糕

Evite - DIY皮纳塔锥子

严肃的饮食 - 果冻豆爆米花

辉煌的待遇 - 果冻肚皮饼干盒

帷幕后的女人-- 软糖豆饼干

舒加丽糖果 - 果冻豆软糖

See_also: 天使编号545:寻找生活的目的

地下工作者 - 简易巧克力樱桃果冻豆咬饼

梅兰妮使 - 果冻豆甜甜圈

粉红公主- 稻米脆皮点心罗宾斯之巢

南瓜和香料 - 春季零食组合

两只豌豆和它们的花苞 - 椰子柠檬马卡龙窝窝头

品味美好 -- 果冻豆伏特加



40+简易DIY工艺品& 复活节的装饰品

Mary Ortiz

Mary Ortiz is an accomplished blogger with a passion for creating content that speaks to the needs of families everywhere. With a background in early childhood education, Mary brings a unique perspective to her writing, infusing it with empathy and a deep understanding of the challenges facing parents and children today.Her blog, Magazine for Entire Family, offers practical advice, helpful tips, and insightful commentary on a wide range of topics, from parenting and education to health and wellness. With a focus on creating a sense of community, Mary's writing is warm and engaging, drawing readers in and inspiring them to share their own experiences and insights.When she's not writing, Mary can be found spending time with her family, exploring the great outdoors, or pursuing her love of cooking and baking. With her boundless creativity and contagious enthusiasm, Mary is a trusted authority on all things family-related, and her blog is a go-to resource for parents and caregivers everywhere.